“To be nobody-but-yourself — in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else — means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight.”
That was a quote from E.E Cummings American poet, painter, essayist, author, and playwright. But the article went onto a poem. It continued… “It’s not easy to be yourself. Lots of people will have opinions about who you are and what you should be doing with your life. And it’s tempting to compare your life and progress to others. But that’s not what we need. And it’s certainly not what you were created for. You have a unique set of skills. A unique perspective. And a unique mission. The world may want you to be somebody else, but you’ve got to fight that battle to be the best version of you.” D. Poke I love this type of writing as it cuts to the heart of coaching and living your values. Be who you are, the best version of who you are, for you are naturally creative, resourceful and whole. Respect your boss….. maybe! Show respect to your elders……yes!. Respect the law……Definitely. Follow the crowd… uhh….. no! (Unless there’s a fire). Be the best version of you, in whatever you do. I once heard a fantastic saying, “At work, if your light is so bright that you’re outshining your colleagues, ask them to put some glasses on, because this is you.” don’t sit back and accept that this is how it should be. When was the last time you did something no one else dared to do? When did you last step out and show you had the gumption to shine? What are you doing to ensure your light is burning bright? We can all stand out from the crowd. Do it once this week and let me know how it felt, and WHEN it feels food, remember this is who you are. Have a great week. Richie Forde Tags:
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February 2024
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