I hope you had a lovely weekend.
It is a pleasure to bring you my “Tip of the Week” for this last week of April. As promised, this is the last of the series of tips aimed at, but not exclusive to, educators. The topic is 10 things great leaders say to Highly Engaged Teams This week’s topic is most definitely one that can be utilized across the board for leaders, teachers, parents, and those who are an essential part of a team. Being part of a highly engaged team is a joy, a joy to be part of, to get up for, and to see operate. As Henry Ford said: "Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." This week I hope to add to your repertoire, things you can say to your team that may assist in you receiving their continued support and engagement in your working environment. My “Tip of the Week” Communicate for Continued High Engagement. 10 things great leaders say to Highly Engaged Teams
Practice those you can this week and watch as your team becomes even more engaged with what they are doing. Have a great week. Tags:
I hope you have had a productive but somewhat restful weekend.
For my “Tip of the week” I would like to share a thought that may be somewhat controversial. The thought of failure will always send a shiver of trepidation through some people. No one wishes to fail at anything, for fear it may have an impact on one’s academia, work, or personal life. I am sure you have heard this extremely popular quote. “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” - Thomas A. Edison It was used in every school I have ever worked in to remind the students to keep trying. I had my own that I liked to use to keep students working on their assessed pieces of work. It went like this. You try, you fail, you try again, you fail again. The real failure is when you stop trying. My Tip of the Week for this week “Don’t be afraid to fail” As coaches, leaders, parents, and caregivers, we have to encourage charges to keep going, strive to be the best, take risks, and learn from our failures. As a coach, I work on removing the limiting beliefs behind my clients' fear of failure. So today I would like to share 6 reasons why failure is important. they are as follows;
This week take a chance, a risk, try something you never tried before, you never know, it may work, and if it does not remember these reasons and learn. Have a great week. Tags:
I hope you had a restful weekend. As stated last week, this month is dedicated to all educational stakeholders, who spend their days preparing the workers and leaders of the future. This week I focus my “tip of the week” for teachers but it can and does, also relate to parents.
As a former teacher, I keep in touch with former colleagues and through them, I meet new educators. It was lovely to see one of them bring this powerful quote, to support the value of coaching in schools. The quote was; “I love when my fellow teachers and I empower each other and recognize the impact we are having on our students together”. Allie Alejandra This week I thought I would share some of the strengths my clients bring to sessions, which help them achieve their classroom and personal goals. My EDGE coaching “tip of the week” is “Remember you are awesome” Remember this because you have these 10 amazing strengths that can be life-changing to your children.
Have a great week. Tags:
For many of us, this month is crucial as teachers and students heading back to school. In preparation, I will spend this month sharing things that will support the different stakeholders in the education system.
Today I will start with the students, my “tip of the week” is as follows: “Get to know the children in your care” This is one of the top 10 things students want most people, not just teachers, to know. They go like this: 10 things Teenagers want you as a teacher or parent to know
How many of these can you practice, or prepare to practice, this week. Remember: “The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be ignited.” – Plutarch Please let me know what you come up with, it would be great to hear some of your thoughts on how you can make adjustments in this area. Please, please share this with any other teachers and parents you feel may benefit from the article. Have a great week, looking after our country’s future workers and leaders. Tags:
With so many distractions thrown at us daily, it’s easy to lose sight of the big picture. This is unavoidable sometimes if you’re handling a business crisis or a family emergency or trying to get through a pandemic.
But if we constantly get distracted by things like social media, emails, and other people’s priorities, we become frustrated and stressed because we’re not attending to our own wants and needs. To make sure you stay focused on the big picture this week, ask, what goals do you want to accomplish? What would you regret not achieving? What are your priorities? What do you get out of bed each day to achieve? Answering these questions gives your day purpose. And when you have a purpose, you’ll be motivated to focus and do everything you can to reach your maximum potential. My tip for this week is this; “Value your time. Focus on the big picture” This week do something that really matters to you. Don't waste your time on something that has no value. Your time is very precious. Remember this great quote: “A man who dares to waste an hour of time has not discovered the value of life.” — Charles Darwin Have a great week my friend. Tags:
AuthorRichie Forde Archives
February 2024
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