Just a very quick note today.
Every once in a while I encourage my clients to look behind them, not at what they missed or could have done. More so to remind themselves of this beautiful quote; "You may not notice it today. You may not notice it in a week. But one day you'll be able to look back and be amazed at how far you've come" This week my Tip of the week is "take time to appreciate how far you have come" Tags:
This week I wanted to devote some time to leaders, I understand you may not all be a leader at work, but there will be elements of leadership in your world. Maybe you are a parent or part of a group or club and have responsibilities within. If not maybe it'll give you inspiration or maybe just some behaviors to watch out for over the next week.
In this weeks tip, I will offer 10 statements leaders can use with their team members to get the best results for the betterment of the employees and the business. In fact, I would suggest if leaders were to merely think some of these, before engaging with employees, they might affect the personal change that would facilitate a better outcome for their relationships. Many leaders (or parents) will recognize that much of their time is spent firefighting or struggling to get the job done in the allotted time, with a team that is content to go the extra mile when needed sometimes. They likely find they are unable to devote the time they need to long-term planning, taking stock of the big picture, surveying alternative methods, or even really understanding the needs of the employees (children) to fully understand what it takes to have a fully functioning team. One of the areas that are critical to creating a fully functioning team is how you are perceived as the leader, the way you lead, and the way you model the required values, ethics, attitudes, and behaviors. It is fair to add that as a parent I can also see how these statements can also be used at home With this I love this quote from John Quincy Adams, he was the politician who once said "try and fail, but don't fail to try" however for the purposed of today's tip I prefer his quote: " If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader." With that in mind, let us see if this week, you can inspire others with any of these statements that can be integrated into your week this week. This week's EDGE Coaching tip of the week is "Be the change you wish to see" The statements for you to use or think about.
This week I would like to share a set of questions that may open a new avenue of thinking about your day and how asking yourself certain questions may improve your outlook at home or work. This exercise is part of a questioning model I use to help my clients get the best out of their teams, but it works at home too.
So with this in mind, my quote for this week is as follows Part of being successful is about asking questions and listening to the answer - Anne Burell Let me ask you a question, thinking back to last week, what kind of impact did you have on the people around you? As a leader, teacher, parent, or employee, what did you do that positively impacted someone's day? When you have had a little think, then ask yourself, What impact did I have on myself, what did I learn about myself last week? Would it be fair to say that even though you may have had a productive week, it wasn't filled with thoughts of the impact you had on yourself or others? Even though some of you manage employees, teach students, look after your children, and interact with people every single day. That then begs the question, well how come it wasn't? How different do you think your day would be if you thought about the impact you have on those around you? How much more would you learn about yourself and those you work with? How much more do you think you may achieve if you reviewed your day as you traveled home? This week I would like to give you the opportunity to consider the impact you have on yourselves or others, I think you will be surprised at the results and what you might learn. My EDGE Coaching tip of the week. "Review your performance" Here are the questions to ask yourself at the end of each day
If you can positively react to the answers, you will find you create awareness and responsibility, Inspire creativity and resourcefulness and increase possibilities in yourself and others. Try it, and let me know how it goes, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out. Have an inspirational week Tags:
AuthorRichie Forde Archives
February 2024
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