How are you and how are you feeling right now? We know there's a lot going on these days and things can get a little hectic. Through this please it is important to remember, there's no time like the present to have a look at life and how things are progressing.
This week I have for you, a little tool used to help my clients refresh their thinking. But first, I would like to share this little quote with you;- “You can’t change who you are, but you can change what you have in your head; you can refresh what you're thinking about, you can put some fresh air in your brain.” --Ernesto Bertarelli I share this as one of the things I love about my work is the opportunity to support clients to stop and question the thoughts and beliefs that limit their perspective so they can see a new way forward to achieve their desires, intentions goals, call them what you will. So this week's "Tip of the week" is partly a thought, but mostly action. This week:- "Make time to refresh and renew your thoughts" You can do this in any number of ways. You can write up a few goals, some action steps, or even things you would like to stop doing. Be proactive as the main thing here is to spring clean ready for the new refreshed you. so here is a tool to help you with this, you can complete it, then cut it out to put somewhere as a reminder. All I ask is that you consider this as a way of refreshing and renewing your aims and objectives for the coming month. Oh, and if you find value in it, why not share it with friends or family, anyone you feel may benefit from a spring clean. Let me know how you get on and have fun doing it. Tags:
I hope you enjoyed the long weekend, I imagine everyone was grateful for a little time off from the rigors of work, the stresses of education, or in some cases dealing with the constant call of the little ones all by themselves.
I absolutely love this quote, "Today I choose to live with gratitude for the love that fills my heart, the peace that rests within my spirit, and the voice of hope that says, all things are possible"- Unknown There are, in each one of our lives, many things we can be grateful for. Even when times get tougher, if you search your heart you will find reasons to be grateful. it is also true that if you look around you there will be others you are grateful for, at work, at home, or just out and about. This week I call on you to make an extra special effort to show gratitude when appropriate, it may warm someone's heart, lift someone's spirit and give someone hope. Never forget you have the ability to make someone's day. My "Tip of the week" for this week is "Be grateful and take every opportunity to show your gratitude" Have a great week Tags:
I hope you had a restful weekend and are looking forward to a shorter week.
Following on from last Wednesday's email, I thought this week I would share a strength that is a big part of removing interferences. "Self-belief" As coaches, our role is to believe in you and your creativity and resourcefulness to achieve. So as stated in Wednesday's email, focus on improving your performance by growing your potential and by decreasing interference. Self-belief is paramount to removing interferences. This week's quote is from children's rights activist and a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Kailash Satyarthi, he rightly states; “Believe in yourself and you will create miracles.” So this week, when something comes up that has you doubting yourself, remember this. Tip of the week "You have to believe" and below are just a few examples to support you this week. Have a great week You have to believe that your goals can be achieved. You have to believe in your capacity to make your world and the world a better place. You have to believe in the people around you. You have to believe that you can make it through these challenging times. You have to believe that you deserve blessings. You have to believe in the voices cheering you on, more than the critics telling you to stop. You have to believe that you haven’t peaked yet. You have to believe in the power of persistence. You have to believe that love is more powerful than hate. You have to believe that when you work with passion and purpose, remarkable things are possible. Because the moment you stop believing is the moment you stop progressing. Tags:
Last week I had the pleasure of catching up with one of my former colleagues in the education sector in England (I do love the power of zoom).
Anyway, he was recounting a tough day he had earlier in the week and how it had affected the balance of the week which culminated in the chat on Friday. During the conversation, I was delighted to hear him recite one of my favorite quotes; “That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.” Friedrich Nietzsche, German philosopher (He, my former colleague, actually used a version stated by 2Pac but I've gone with the original) This statement is so true and as such had me asking myself, how does it actually make you stronger? My answer; It was character building? So this week I decided to share 10 thoughts I found that would help you overcome those difficult days. Tip of the week: Embrace the challenge of a difficult day Why? Because
AuthorRichie Forde Archives
February 2024
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