Be the best, maximise your potential. Live the life you have always wanted. Life coaching is partnering with someone so they can help you commit to yourself. Life coaching is about helping you achieve your own personal mission, the quest to fulfil your true potential and to begin to live your ideal life.
My clients get results some of them get extraordinary results. I expect, want and demand the very best from them and I want the very best for them.
The difference between getting close to your goal and achieving your goal is “total commitment”. That's what makes the vital difference - it's not luck, it's not circumstances, it's not even the star signs, it is commitment.
This commitment is made up of four areas:
1. Motivation This is the measure of how much you want to bring change into your life and it is the most important factor of all. Are you truly ready for change? Are you sick enough of how things have been? Have you had enough of struggle, worry, loneliness, insecurity feeling second best and thinking, “if only”.
If you have and you're willing to do something big about it then your motivation will be high.
2. Self-belief This is the degree to which you believe, deep inside, that you are worthy and deserving of the good things that you are about to bring into your life. Without it you will sabotage and resist these good things. Your self-belief may not be perfect, but what's really important at this stage is that you are willing-with me as your champion to increase your self-belief.
3. Self-discipline This is a vital quality because when the going gets tough it will be your self-discipline that keeps you moving forward. It is easy to be enthusiastic, and to work hard and go for it when things are going well. But change always involves a certain amount of discomfort and there will be days when you don't feel like trying, or when you have a setback. At these times it's important that you keep going, and self-discipline will be your ally.
4. Willingness to challenge This is about being willing to challenge yourself and everything you know, including things that you have believed about yourself and all the world in your life. This challenge is necessary to create new ways of thinking and being, and to allow a vast new range of possibilities in your life. If you stick with the known and the familiar, you'll rule out the new and end up staying just where you are.
Life coaching in summary All the help, support and inspiration I can provide for you has to be ignited by your commitment. You must be prepared to stoke the fires of your own self-belief and to handle the inevitable difficulties and setbacks quickly and usefully.
You must be willing to suspend your disbelief and believe that the things you want are possible. This will require you to be the best you can possibly be and to take responsibility for creating the life you want. And, most importantly, you will need to develop a healthy working relationship with yourself.
If, at any time you feel the momentum has slowed and you feel sluggish or uncertain, I will ask you to come back to these four points. Almost certainly, you will have lapsed in one or more of the four elements of commitment and you will need to refresh and renew those aspects.
Are you ready to invest in yourself? Are you ready to sign on and live the life you have always wanted?
Please contact me todayto discuss how life coaching could work for you.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us, we ask ourselves: who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God, your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people around you won't feel insecure, we are all meant to shine as children do. We are born to manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone. And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically releases others. Taken from Nelson Mandela's Inauguration speech