Happy Monday
I hope your week is getting off to a positive start. To add to it, my “tip of the week” this week is about happiness. If we consider the challenges this world is undergoing now, it can be easy to lose our way and spend too much time focusing on the negatives. I love this quote that you can scribe on a “stick it note” and then add to your fridge or have it on your desk for the week. “Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort” Franklin D Roosevelt This week, it would be great to try and think about how we can boost our happiness and that of others. Previously I discussed how nice it is to smile at others around you, I have also discussed the “lollipop moment” or random acts of kindness, and they should continue. Incorporated in all of this is happiness, so my tip of the week is this “Think happy, be happy, smile.” To support this, here are five more ideas to practice this week to improve your happiness. 1. Be grateful: appreciate everything in your life 2. Be Social (where you can): Spend time with those you care about (even virtually) 3. Be passionate: make time to do what you love doing 4. Relish things: Enjoy the daily pleasures and challenges in life 5. Commit to goals: Have something you are motivated to work towards If you can commit to practicing some or all these things, I am sure you will end the week with a positive view of your efforts and achievements. After all, “Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of travelling.” Have a great week Tags:
Happy New Year to you and your family
The beginning of the year is a typical time for us to take stock and look at the best bits and the worst bits from the previous year. We try to ascertain what we achieved and look at what we could do better. My questions are these: Did you have a goal or even an intention for the year? Did you achieve what you set out to do? If so, congratulations on all your successes from 2020; as severe a year as it was, it is good to know there were successes. My EDGE tip of the week for this week is all about goals. It is about allowing you to set goals and then work ridiculously hard to achieve them. Having these goals will put you on the path of living a purpose-driven life. As a coach (and a football fan), I love this quote. "The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score." –Bill Copeland. Goals give our lives meaning. Make them challenging, make them enjoyable, but set them. Make personal development goals, career goals, educational goals. We all know that there are things we would like to achieve. You can even set impossible goals. Remember, what may seem impossible today may not be so in 6 months as you start working towards it. With the right mindset and necessary support, anything is possible. " A goal is not always meant to be reached; it often serves simply as something to aim at." –Bruce Lee. So here is EDGE Coaching first tip of 2021: "Create a couple of goals to give your year a real focus; aim high." If you would like a FREE template to help you create powerful goals, email me at [email protected] Make your dreams come true and have a happy new year. Tags:
AuthorRichie Forde Archives
February 2024
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